gamer culture

Fallout has plenty of items that should be replicated in the real world. Gaming Heads has released some new vault-tec in their first series of Fallout bobbleheads, and they are identical to their in-game counterparts.

Series one of the Fallout bobble heads include: endurance, Energy Weapons, Lock Pick, Melee weapons, perception, repair, and strength.

The bobble heads feature some of the Fallout perks, the SPECIAL attributes, and skills. Personally, I’m hoping for a bloody mess bobblehead in the future.

Click to see the image in full at Gaming Heads’ store

They look especially evil from the side. If you're hoping for more post-nuclear-apocalyptic goodness, check out an impressive fan film here.

You can purchase any of the $15 bobble heads at Gaming Heads or the Bethesda store. The whole series (all seven) will set you back $80 plus shipping.