
This past weekend we played video game for 25 hours straight for Extra Life 2013. We raised over $15,000 for Gillette Children's Specialty Heathcare, a Children's Miracle Network hospital in Minnesota. Extra Life raised a whopping $3.7 million overall. We livestreamed the whole ordeal from start to finish, including the four hours in which Extra Life suffered a confounding DDoS attack. We gave away over a hundred game codes, took game requests in exchange for donations, and gave away physical prizes ranging from Link's shield to a BioShock Infinite: Burial At Sea poster signed by Irrational Games. We aimed to give viewers more incentive than last year to watch, play alongside us, and donate for a good cause. Now that Extra Life 2013 is finished, we want your feedback about how the livestream went so we can make next year even better.

Watch our Extra Life 2013 livestream in Game Informer's Twitch TV archive.

This year's Extra Life marathon was more organized than last year's. Game Informer staff like Joe Juba and Kim Wallace played their favorite games during scheduled blocks of time and chatted with the community. Longtime GI community member Zachary Pligge moderated the chat and gave out prizes. Video editor Jason Oestreicher managed the livestream tech and played fighting games with the community. We had a lot of fun and hope you did, too. But how can we make it better?

We can't promise everyone will get their wish, but we're all ears. Want us to beg a specific editor to join in next year? We can try to recruit them. Interested in prizes from a certain publisher? We'll reach out to see if they can spare anything. Interested in more online play sessions with the community? We can brainstorm! Spill your thoughts in the comments below so we can make Extra Life 2014 even better. Let us what you liked and what you think we could improve.

A tremendous thanks from everyone here at Game Informer to those who donated, joined Team Game Informer on Extra Life, and helped spread the word.