
On Friday at 11 am Pacific and 2 pm Eastern (6 pm where the show is), fans of Battlefield can watch the Europe vs. USA showdown on Xbox Live. The game will be played live in London on the Xbox One, where EA and DICE plan to make some exclusive reveals.

Major Nelson will lead the American team and AceyBongos will lead the European team. Watch the trailer below for some weird nationalistic trash talk. Be sure to check out our review of the game, and if you’re interested in improving your online game see our Battlefield 4 Dos and Don’ts.

Our Take
I can only stand so much cringe-inducing trash talk. Still the Battlefield 4 showdown could be interesting. Releasing an exclusive reveal during a multiplayer show is great for Battlefield fans wanting to stay ahead of the curve on Battlefield 4. My guess is that the reveal is some sort of DLC announcement or new information on Battlefield Premium membership.