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Earth Defense Force 2025 Launch Info And Pre-Order DLC Surfaces

by Matt Helgeson on Oct 28, 2013 at 10:46 AM

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The latest in the cult insect shooter is coming to PlayStation 3 in early 2014, and will give those who pre-order the game some exclusive DLC weapons packs.

While there isn't a specific date yet, D3 says that EDF 2025 will be released on PS3 sometime in February of next year. It's also release information on some DLC weapon packs that will be given to those who pre-order the game starting tomorrow. The first (the Air Raider Weapons Pack) is exclusive to GameStop, and the others will be tied to pre-orders and possibly other retailers but D3 has not given those details yet, so stay tuned.

The Air Raider Weapons Pack (GameStop exclusive)

  • Pure Decoy Launcher (Setsu) - a weapon that distracts the enemy by discharging a large balloon that takes the shape of an attractive female, but the enemies will meet their fate when the balloon unexpectedly self destructs, destroying everything in its vicinity.

  • The BMO3 Vegalta Gold - a limited edition, gold-coated model that will reflect radar waves and has a combat burner to throw flames. Players will also be able to take flight for short periods of time with it equipped.

The Ranger Weapons Pack

  • Volatile Napalm - A military grade discharge device that sets everything ablaze and damages the target and surrounding areas.

  • Pure Decoy Launcher (Mian) - a weapon that distracts the enemy by discharging a large balloon that takes the shape of an attractive female, but the enemies will meet their fate when the balloon unexpectedly self destructs, destroying everything in its vicinity.

The Fencer Weapons Pack

  • Ifrit - A cannon that launches rockets that will separate and disperse over the sea. Each rocket is equipped with multiple incendiary bombs that will ignite upon contact, causing massive damage.

  • Blood Storm - A powerful cannon that will separate midair and rain down on the enemy's head and inflict damage on an entire area.

The Wing Diver Weapons Pack

  • Reflectron Laser - A special laser that fires in two directions and can even shoot through narrow passageways. It's an effective weapon with giant insects, as it can maximize range without obstruction.

  • Gleipnir - This super weapon silently discharges balls of energy with the ability to launch continuous attacks. Only Wing Divers can use this weapon, as it requires the Psionic Link.

The Ranger Weapons Pack

  • Volatile Napalm - A military grade discharge device that sets everything ablaze and damages the target and surrounding areas.

  • Pure Decoy Launcher (Mian) - a weapon that distracts the enemy by discharging a large balloon that takes the shape of an attractive female, but the enemies will meet their fate when the balloon unexpectedly self destructs, destroying everything in its vicinity.


[Full disclosure: GameStop is the parent company of Game Informer]

[Source: PlayStation Blog]

Our Take:
While I won't pretend to understand the appeal of EDF, I love the fact that this oddball, gonzo title has garnered such a cult following in the U.S. (GI's own Joe Juba loves it). It's definitely the type of game you see less and less of these days.