
It's been over a month since Duck Tales: Remastered hit the downloadable market. If you haven't played it yet, and you're the type of person who prefers physical discs to downloads, November 12 is your day of triumph.

The game is more than just simple HD upgrade; it has the addition of voices from the cartoon, as well as new and remixed levels. How did it turn out? You can read our full review right here

This new disc-based version will release on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii U for $20 – which is $5 more than the downloadable alternative.


Our Take
Duck Tales fans have another way to play the game, so that's good. However, it's strange that Capcom is willing to release a remake (with average review scores) to retail while a title like Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies – from a series with a proven track record – is set to indefinitely languish in the download-only space.