
No word on whether it will make it to North America yet, but Tales of Link is currently in development for Japanese mobile devices.

Gematsu reports that the newly announced game made an appearance in a recent issue of the Japanese Jump Magazine. The game is being directed by Hironori Naoi, who has a history directing for the Tales franchise.

Tales of Xillia (pictured above) was the last title to see release in North America. You can check out our review of that game here.

[Via: Gematsu, Tale Tale Source]


Our Take
It's exciting to see more well-regarded RPGs coming to mobile devices. RPGs, in general, do not offer twitch gameplay, and instead focus on thoughtful strategy. For this reason, its a genre that translates well to mobile gaming. Tales is an action-RPG, so its not quite as well suited to touch-screens as something like Final Fantasy, but I think it could work. Hopefully this makes its way to North America.