
Readers mentioned to us yesterday that there was a discrepancy in the price of Activision's Deadpool, which is out this week. Retail outlets had the game listed at $49.99, with the PlayStation Network offering it up for $59.99. Fear not, digital denizens. Sony is making it right.

As part of the latest PlayStation Store update post on the PlayStation Blog, the company informed users that the price had been fixed and credits are coming. "We are aware of the Deadpool pricing discrepancy on PSN," says the notice. "If you purchased the game at $59.99 you will receive a $10 credit. Expect an XMB message with more info later this week."

Unfortunately, this doesn't fix the problems with the game. Executive editor Andy Reiner pointed out issues with the gameplay that prevented him from giggling like the Merc with a Mouth while playing it.

Deadpool is available for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

[Source: PlayStation Blog]