
The new choice driven TV series blurs the line between TV and games. 

Remedy's next game isn’t Alan Wake, but rather a new franchise called Quantum Break. The reveal trailer for the new game shows off moments that mix live-action scenes and more traditional game graphics into a unified whole.

In the short video tease, we see a woman talking with a young girl, asking her about what makes her so special. The girl reaches out and touches the woman’s head, and the screen cuts to what we assume is a mental image being shown to the woman. The mental imagery looks like more traditional game visuals, and shows off a ship crashing into a bridge. 

The nature of how Quantum Break integrates these two disparate styles remains undetailed, but it’s clear that Remedy is aiming to change perceptions about how stories are told through games. We’ll have more on Quantum Break as soon as Microsoft offers more details. 

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