by Matthew Kato on May 21, 2013 at 05:57 AM

There is finally some light at the end of the tunnel for the NBA Live series, as the franchise looks to return in style.

Polygon reports that EA CFO Blake Jorgensen mentioned that the game will be coming out for next-gen systems at the Stifel Nicolaus 2013 Internet, Media and Communications Conference.

Microsoft is set to unveil its next Xbox later today, and Sony has already announced the PlayStation 4 for this holiday season.

NBA Live's return – for any system – would mark the end of a silent period for the franchise that hasn't had a release since 2009. NBA Elite 11 (a rebranding in name and gameplay for the series) was canceled, the franchise was handed over to EA Tiburon and a hiatus taken, and NBA 13 was also shut down.


[Source: Polygon]