
We've been following Lego Marvel Super Heroes from the start, and we were stoked to see more footage of our favorite heroes in action. The latest clip doesn't feature any in-game action, but it does provide a tease of one of the title's main villains.

Comics fans will undoubtedly recognize who's casting the shadow in the video. If you aren't a fan (or you missed our cover story), it's the planet-munching Galactus. It looks as though the stakes in Lego Marvel Super Heroes are going to be a little higher than a bank robbery or counterfeiting ring.

Warner has also provided details on preorder bonuses for the game. If you preorder from Walmart, you'll get an exclusive Iron Patriot minifig. GameStop customers will get a Spider-Man keychain, and Power Up Rewards members will also get a DLC pack for the Xbox 360 or PS3 versions of the game [full disclosure: Game Informer is owned by GameStop]. Finally, Amazon customers get a $10 game credit for preordering the game.

Look for Lego Marvel Super Heroes on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii U, Vita, and 3DS this fall.