
As they do each month, our sister site Kongregate has once again provided us with details about their current best offerings. All of these games are playable for free, and the selections and descriptions below have been provided by Kongregate's Rebecca Francis. Give them a chance and let us know what you think in the comments section.



This incredibly polished MMORPG is the game that keeps on giving. Recent updates include awesome features like clothing crafting and brand cross-server battles. And now until May 2nd, you can enter into Kongregate’s “Level Up, Load Up” Sweepstakes, just by playing. Hundreds will win, so get on it!


Super Duck Punch!

Would you rather fight one hundred duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck? How about a hydra-headed giraffe or a giraffe-headed hydra? It’s just you and your spectacular mustache standing alone against evil in this fighting game; plus, Kongregate created it, so it has to be great!


Cat God vs Sun King

If you’re Cat God, there’s nothing you hate more than little upstart kings trying to steal your glory. That’s why you need to kill them – and their minions – with FIRE! This game as quirky animations, fun gameplay, and enables you to simulate a plague of locusts in order to unlock cool hats. Need we say more?

Check out last month's picks.