
[Update] Bethesda has informed Game Informer that the listing is a clerical mixup and that there is "no new version of the game coming."


[Original Story]

A listing for a multiplatform title called The Elder Scrolls: Arena has popped up on the Australian government's ratings website.

A reader of has pointed the website to the Australian Classification database's listing of the game. It's rated M for fantasy violence, and the entry (dated April 9, 2013) lists the "author" as Bethesda Softworks and the publisher as Zenimax Europe. Zenimax is the parent company of Bethesda.

If the name The Elder Scrolls: Arena sounds familiar, it's because it was already used. That's the first game in the series developed for DOS back in 1994. Whether this is an update of that or something different is unknown at this time.

Recently, Bethesda co-president Pete Hines said the company would "make more noise" this year. Could this be a part of that?

We're reached out for comment to Bethesda, and will let you know if we hear anything back.

For more on the original The Elder Scrolls: Arena, check out this potted history of the franchise, with insight from Todd Howard.