
Trion Worlds and Syfy are no doubt excited to get players into their open-world/MMO shooter, Defiance, which arrives tomorrow. If you are planning on stepping into the shoes of one of the game's treasure-seeking "ark hunters," you can give yourself a leg up right now. Over the past few months, Trion has been dropping six-character codes on advertisements, commercials, trailers, and websites. By entering the strings on the My Ego section of the official Defiance website, players can unlock a variety of head start perks, including weapons, gun proficiencies, and additional inventory slots.

You might think that you don't have enough time to scrounge up the full 120 codes necessary to take full advantage of the program. Thankfully, the folks over at have you covered with a compilation of over 150 of text strings. I've gone through the process, and while my Ctrl, C, and V keys aren't happy with me right now, it didn't take terribly long to max out My Ego.

Be sure to tune in tomorrow at 4 PM CT for our Defiance live stream with Andrew Reiner, Dan Ryckert, and friends. You can also check out Matt Miller's rundown on everything there is to know about the game and the world it's set in.

via Orcz