
Digital tattoos take a leap forward in Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel thanks to the use of real tattoo artists who created in-game ink for the game’s protagonists.

“Tattoos have a lot to do with the underpinnings of the game,” art director Robert Clarke said in a recent issue of Inked magazine. “Our main characters are private military contractors, and PMCs are usually former law enforcement or military, and tattoos are a big part of that culture. When you’re in that line of work and you go through trials and tribulations, your tattoos really express something that’s happened in your life that is very significant.”

Electronic Arts’ third iteration of the Army of Two series promises to have the best tattoos in any video game thanks to Inked magazine coordinating the participation of artists Paul Booth and Steve Soto. 

“This isn’t just Joe Six Pack tattoo guy down the street who’s drawing standard flash; these [artists] are one in a handful,” Clarke told the magazine. “They’ve got a look that immediately you look at, and you know that’s those guys."

The Devil’s Cartel will be available for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on March 26.

[Source: Inked magazine]