PlayStation 4

At today's Sony conference, Guerrilla Games showed off a new entry in the series.

Herman Hulst, managing director at Guerrilla Games, unveiled a demo for Killzone: Shadow Fall. The demo entered us in Vekta City, a futuristic vibrant city. The bright lights and beauty portrayed a calmness that is until an explosion took people, which threw us into complete destruction and pandemonium. War cries, fire, and watching an enemy shot two injured people right in the head is jarring enough, but now it's up to you to stay alive. Sniping, throwing grenades, and holding onto a rope as you fly through the sky attached to a plane, trying to shoot yourself to safety is sure to feed adrenaline junkies. 

We'll have to wait to see what else Guerrilla Games has in store for Killzone: Shadow Fall, but it looks like it'll keep players on their toes. To see the footage yourself, check out Killzone's Facebook page or simply watch it below.