prepare to be violated

Fresh off his election win and inauguration, President Obama faces a number of challenges: the fiscal cliff, defining his second term, gun legislation, and helping to improve the lives of the citizens of this country only being a few. But according to a handful of petitioners, he also should remove Ninja Theory's new Devil May Cry from store shelves.

The petition below (posted on TechnoBuffalo) was submitted and removed from the White House petition site with only 66 signatures.

We present it in all its unedited glory, because sometimes you just can't make this stuff up.


Get Ninja Theory’s DmC: Devil May Cry pulled off the shelves.

Dear Mr. Obama: As a consumer to the Video Game Industry there is one Video Game that has caused a lot of controversy over the past few month’s.

The name of the game is DmC: Devil May Cry made by Ninja Theory and Capcom. A majority of gamer’s are aggravated that this game has changed so much from it’s past predecessors and the game actually insults the consumers in-game.

We, as consumers did not want nor need this reboot and we believe it violates our rights to have a choice between the original’s or the reboot. This game is violating our rights as a consumer and we believe it should be pulled off shelves from game stores due to it’s insulting nature and the fact that it violates our rights.

Please Mr. Obama, look into your heart and make the decision that will please us Gamers.


[Thanks to Marc for the news tip!]