blog herding

Featuring more blogs than we've seen in three months and the fourth largest amount for all of 2012, the latest installment of Blog Herding posts record numbers of entertaining blogs and demonstrates how the GIO community continues to grow and prosper.

Blog Herding Stats:

Period Reviewed: December 31, 2012 – January 06, 2013
Number of User Blogs: 137
Number of User Bloggers: 75
Number of User Blogs Herded: 14

Community Events:

Lunar Trace: A Story You Won't Forget
This is more of a public service announcement than a community event, but video game developer in training Shotgun65 shows off the current status of his project featuring several GIO members.

Community Blogs:

What I'd Like To See In Fallout 4
Rumors surfaced months ago that Bethesda Softworks may be working on a new Fallout game set in the Boston area, and if it turns out to be true, HarmlessKiller has a few ideas he'd like to see in the game.

The 5 Things That Halo Does Best
The Halo franchise is a legendary series and thegodofwine7 highlights five features found in the various episodes he thinks the game does better than its closest similarly themed competitors.

Reboot This: Star Control II
With the current trend in the video game industry of modernizing classic games with current generation graphics, markus1142 hopes for a Star Control II reboot and tell us what makes the game deserving of your attention.

Analyzing Console History
The release of next generation consoles from Sony and Microsoft is on the horizon and RezidentHazard (rides again) examines some interesting thoughts about who will be first and why it doesn't matter.

Monument To Our Sins
It's been a while since we've heard from Hannibal, but his latest blog discusses freedom of choice as it relates to video games and how it can affect our outlook on the ending when our decisions shape it.

Beaten By The Arcade
While not necessarily a product of the arcade generation, LetMeGetToACheckpoint shares his experience visiting the Fun Dungeon, an arcade located at the Excalibur hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Why I Will Always Be A Gamer
A heartwarming personal account from ADAMMWOOLLEY about the influence video games had on his youth and why he thinks he will always be a gamer in the future.

3, 2, 1: A Sequel's "Perfect Timing"
Taking an interesting approach with reference to video game sequels, lugadi considers the time and relationship between a new release and its predecessor, and how long is too long to have to wait.

Discovering Classics: Metal Slug 3
While daydreaming over SNK Playmore's new Neo Geo X handheld gaming device, born4this discovers the Metal Slug series and describes his experience playing part 3 on Xbox Live Arcade.

All I Can Say Is Wow
With a Grammy nod and other industry awards to brag about, more and more gamers are discovering the captivating experience found in Journey, including AshaMan3000 who describes the episode.

What Is A User Review?
Many have undertaken the task of blogging about the validity of user reviews with this one by footthumb being one of the more creative and colorful commentaries on the subject.

Stop The Clocks: Timers In Game Design
William Penn once said, "Time is what we want most, but we use the worst." This brilliant summation by David Chandler muses about games with timers, and the pressure they cause when time runs out.

Top 10 Moments Of The Year
There were quite a few top ten blogs like this one posted in the last week, but xl9's was particularly noteworthy and fun to read, especially since it is spoiler free.

By Its Cover: The Best Box Art Of 2012
With the exception of the turmoil over Bioshock Infinite's cover art, what's on the front of the box seldom gets mentioned, but Kate Willaert's post about the best box art of 2012 is worth reading.

Community Reviews:

Assassin's Creed III: A Diamond In The Rough
A thorough review of the latest installment in the Assassin's Creed franchise provided courtesy of Tim Gruver, who seems satisfied with the overall finale of the series. Be sure to check out his other reviews.

Hitman:Absolution Review: A Killer's Christmas
Agent 47 returns in the fifth installment of the Hitman series titled Absolution, and bombstopper is there to tell us all the classified details about everybody's favorite hit man in this bold and unique game.

Import Review: Hatsune Miku Project Diva f
Game Informer's unofficial user reviewer of imported games, LGAR evaluates Hatsune Miku Project Diva f for the Playstation Vita and provides a detailed analysis of the findings.

Counter Strike: Global Offensive Review
Hard to believe a game that started out as a Half Life mod has bloomed into one of the most recognizable shooters on the market, with blaxarbush911 telling us about the latest version.

Don't forget to send your feedback, recommendations, and community events in to my personal Game Informer account located here to ensure this feature continues to provide the content you're eager to read.

Happy Blogging!

Your friendly neighborhood blogging community (12/31/12 – 01/06/13):
ADAMMWOOLLEY; AESUPREME1; Allen; Apricot (2); AshaMan3000 (5); bjdbuch; blaxarbush911 (2); BLiNDFATES (2); born4this; BRAV0 F1VE; Buddy Acker (2); Cameron Koch (2); Cheery95; Darkeon; David Chandler; DessertFood; DJ the Sasquatch; Doctor Apozem; Draco (2); DrJoeystein; Emily (2); Enigma; footthumb; Gamemaniac3434; Gaming Warthog (6); General Mills44 (5); Ghost (2); Hannibal; HarmlessKiller; Idostuff; Its Cov; J Warrior; JC; John Wrek (5); Jolt the Cynic; Jonathan Gipson; JordanTheGamer; Joyful Penguin; Kate Willaert (8); Kflame210; Kyle Wadsworth; LetMeGetToACheckpoint; LGAR; lugadi (6); Luis E. Morales Falcon; Marco Polo; markus1142 (6); Masterassassin; Oni no Tenshi; opposedcrow88; Paradigmthefallen (2); PT99; Queso6p4; raiderhater; RezidentHazard (rides again) (2); RFXRage; Rihz; Romars; Shotgun65 (2); Skyforger; SneakaFew; that_sterlin_kid; The Destroyer; The Slinky-Pulling Carson (2); thegodofwine7; TheSniper; Trenchmace (2); Ucantfindme; VannahfoxTheTriforceWiel; White Angel Dragon; xking595x (5); xl9 (6); XSpectreGreyX; Yusuke Urameshi; and of course yours truly...Saint.

Video Game Archives – Quote of the Week:
"All the epic spectacle in the world doesn't matter, if you don't care about the characters." – Amy Hennig