reader discussion

Much of the Wii U's online functionality remained a mystery right up until launch, which left it up to the early adopters to figure out and test Nintendo's new network. If you own a Wii U and have played around with the system's online services, we want to hear what you think of them.

I chatted with some of my fellow editors about what online improvements they'd like to see Nintendo address, and they brought up issues like the friend request process, the lack of universal game invites, and downloadable games being split between the eShop and Wii Channel. At the same time, they praised the Miiverse as a fun way to interact with fellow gamers by sharing drawings and messages.

Now I'd like to hear what you think. What did Nintendo get right? What online components do you think are missing or confusing? Is the Miiverse everything you want it to be, or are there improvements you'd like to see? Share the pros, cons, and suggestions you have in the comments below.