
Valve is doing up this year's Scream Fortress festivities for free-to-play shooter Team Fortress 2. For the next two weeks, players will be battling new undead foes, as well as a magician named Merasmus, who is a part of a King of the Hill match.

This update also includes a new map called Wave 666. Valve's website details it best: "Pumpkins! Spiderwebs! Hay bales! If you can think of anything scarier than that, maybe you should give Master of Horror John Carpenter a call, because he'll probably give you a job! But this terrifying new MvM mission didn't stop at hay bales, horror fans -- your robot attackers have been replaced by a single apocalyptic wave of zombies! How many zombies? How does 666 sound, fear friends? Because it sounds like a candy-ass pile of crap to us! 666 is where we started. But where we ended was MORE THAN EIGHT HUNDRED! That said, we're still calling it Wave 666, because we asked Glenn Danzig and he said that sounded way more badass than Wave More Than Eight Hundred."

Players will receive spells that can be used to alter backpack items, and also summon ghosts. Two new Steam "Necromancchievements" are tied to this event. You can earn "Wizards Never Prosper" by killing Merasmus, and "A Lovely Vacation Spot" by reaching Skull Island and claiming your reward.

I love it when developers put together events like this. It gives players good reason to return to a game.