by Ali Rapp on Aug 16, 2012 at 08:00 AM

Zelda aficionados have long been clamoring for an English version of Hyrule Historia, Nintendo's official Legend of Zelda encyclopedia. Diamond Book Distributors just announced they will be bringing the title to the West on January 29, 2013.

Hyrule Historia has been available in Japan since late 2011, to coincide with the release of Skyward Sword. The book contains never-before-released concept art from games like Twilight Princess and The Wind Waker, as well as  an official series chronology (putting to rest, once and for all, fan-made timelines – or at least until the next game is released).

Hyrule Historia is being published by Dark Horse Comics and will retail for $34.99.

[Source: GenGAME]