by Jack Gardner on Aug 06, 2012 at 11:44 AM

Today, the developer behind the massively successful game League of Legends announced plans for its third season, touting it as the biggest investment in eSports ever.  

Huge changes are coming to the League of Legends circuit. For starters, Riot announced the Championship Series Tournament. Beginning early 2013, a new series of tournaments will be regularly held and overseen by Riot Games. This will allow people who are interested in the game to easily find professional matches to watch and enjoy. 

Riot also announced that the top eight teams from North America, Europe from Season 2, as well as the top eight Asian teams from the past season, will be offered salaries to compete. This will probably lead to more focused and higher quality gameplay than has yet been seen in the professional League of Legends play, something that everyone who follows the scene can appreciate.

Along with salaries, prize pools and tournament compensations have been promised to be larger than ever before. The large sums of money are meant to ensure that players who decide to go pro can lead viable lives while competing.

The season structure will be formatted more closely to traditional sports. This means that there will be multiple matches every week, progressing into regional playoffs, and ultimately to a world championship.

On top of everything else, Riot promises free HD streaming for all events

All in all, this is a very exciting development for eSports and fans of League of Legends. 2013 can’t come soon enough.