by Jim Reilly on Jul 02, 2012 at 07:26 AM

Former Capcom combat advisor Seth Killian is joining Sony Santa Monica as lead game designer for the external group. Killian will be working directly with developers such as thatgamecompany, Fun Bits, and SuperBotEntertainment.

"The Santa Monica Studio really blew me away," Killian told Game Informer. "They're an awesome group of people working on great games that go from God of War to The Unfinished Swan. While everyone has heard of their games, I'm not sure people realize they're all coming through Santa Monica, but it's like a Wonka Factory of gaming goodness."

"They're also super strong on combat design and fighting, which makes me feel like I'm right at home."

Killian says he's excited about the opportunity to work on PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royal, the first announced project he's working on.

"All-Stars applies some new ideas to the genre, but it's a fighting game through and through," he explained. "The SuperBot team was built from the ground up explicitly to make this game, and they've got a bunch of top-tier competitive players as well as some of the best combat designers I've ever met.

"The moves are all easy to do, and it's soaking in a ridiculous amount of Sony fan-service, but don't be fooled -- there's an incredibly clever combat engine under the hood that makes a whole world of strategy possible."

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royal is due out later this fall for PlayStation 3 and Vita.