reader discussion

We've asked you to tell us about your mothers and your fathers, but now we want to know about you. How did you get into gaming?

Did you enviously watch your best friend unwrap a Super Nintendo on her birthday? Did you play Crystal Castles in a hip, happenin' arcade? Did you see Tron on the big screen and think, someday, I too will race colorful bikes inside a computer world?

My first foray into gaming was when I became old enough to play my family's Atari 2600. I loved Space Invaders, but found Adventure endlessly frustrating. The first time I remember thinking to myself, "Wow, I'm really addicted to video games," was when my parents got us a Nintendo 64 for Christmas. Playing GoldenEye, Perfect Dark, and The Legend of Zelda games became my family's pastime, and the rest is history. 

So how about you? What, or who, got you into gaming? We want to hear your stories.