e3 2012

Brand-new Black Ops 2 gameplay appeared onstage at Microsoft's E3 press briefing alongside the news that Microsoft's console will be getting timed DLC exclusivity for Treyarch's upcoming shooter.

Microsoft's Don Mattrick didn't share any details on the DLC situation beyond that some amount of DLC content will hit Xbox 360 first, after which Activision sent a representative onstage to present a more detailed look at Black Ops 2 gameplay.

We've seen the level shown at the press briefing before, which depicts a near-future downtown Los Angeles under attack by a nefarious terrorist who has seized control of advanced military drones. The player, as Black Ops protagonist Alex Mason's son, defends the visiting U.S. president alongside other special office forces against incoming drone strikes as well as deadly mercenary squads.

The weapon Mason uses to dispense justice features a powerful rifle that shoots electrically charged bullets that appear to have the capability to penetrate hard cover like the sides of trucks, and his scope highlights people even behind cover in a kind of advanced thermal vision.

The purportedly live gameplay session then cut to a series of outdoor and interior locations where Mason fights alongside small drones of his own, taking down hostiles with what appears to be a standard-issue SMG.

After a skyscraper dramatically tumbles nearby, Mason's perspective shifts to the new-standard Call of Duty slow-mo blurred traumatized vision we've seen several times now.

Mason then hops into an F/A-38 VTOL aircraft to provide heavy fire support to the President's APC convoy as it makes its way through the chaotic L.A. streets. The player's control looks similar to what we saw in Black Ops, with the aircraft staying on a single horizontal plane as the player guns down airborne and ground-bound threats.

Come back as E3 goes on throughout the week for as much Black Ops 2 coverage as we can rustle up here in Los Angeles.