
We already saw Connor tear up the redcoats at Ubisoft's press conference, and he made another impressive appearance just hours later.

In the completely different demo at Sony's press conference, Connor captains a large wooden ship in the Caribbean Sea. He begins near a rocky coast with in inviting green waters. Wearing a colonial-style blue coat, Connor spies several enemy ships on the horizon through a telescope. He grabs the tiller and commands the crew to get things moving. Once enemy ships are in range, players can fire a barrage of cannonballs to take them down. Impressive destruction effects send debris and flaming clouds flying skyward on every shot.

As the demo moves forward, Connor sails further out into the high seas. Storms set in, waves get higher, and lightning flashes nearby. When Connor and crew pull up next to what must be an important enemy vessel, they throw hooks and ropes over. The demo comes to a close as they jump over in a chorus of pirate yells.

Hopefully, Ubisoft releases the demo for later viewing. We'll update here if it happens.