by Adam Biessener on Apr 30, 2012 at 10:09 AM

Three developers who collaborated on Bioshock, most notably on the Minerva's Den DLC, have formed a new indie studio called The Fullbright Company.

Johnnemann Nordhagen, Steve Gaynor, and Karla Zimonja formed The Fullbright Company because "we missed working on a small team, on a small project, focused on telling a personal story in a player-driven way. We wanted to do that again," as Gaynor puts it in a blog post.

The three have also worked on Bioshock 2, Bioshock Infinite, and XCOM between them.

The Fullbright Company has yet to announce what precisely its first project will be, but Gaynor writes, "Regardless of the means, our intent in the end is simply to make a great game. A memorable experience that you’ll be drawn into, and keep thinking about after the game’s turned off, and want to come back to again someday. An experience that gets away from the constraints of ossified game genres, while relying on what we’re good at as a team: creating immersive places to inhabit, and a deep, personal story to explore at your own pace. A nonviolent game in an unfantastical locale; an experience that not many games provide, built out of techniques that only video games can employ."

Sounds good to us.

[via Joystiq]