
According to an unidentified source at Prey 2 developer Human Head, the game has not been worked on since November of last year.

Earlier today we learned about Prey 2's delay, but if the source who spoke to Shack News is to be believed, Prey 2 has been in turmoil for quite some time. Apparently, Human Head was unhappy with its contract with ZeniMax and performed a sort of mutiny, pausing the game's development in hopes of working out a better deal. In the meantime, developers were laid off with hopes that they would be able to return once a settlement was reached.

It's too bad Prey 2 is having these issues because conceptually, it sounds like a very cool game. If all of this is all to be believed, hopefully development will pick up soon and the game will come out eventually. The original Prey went through a similar series of delays and was technically in development for over ten years. I suppose that franchise and long term delays just go hand in hand.

[via Shacknews]