
In the world of BioShock costumes, Big Daddy(s) often steal the show. This isn’t the case with Monika Lee’s impressively executed Little Sister cosplay, complete with distressed duds, eeiry eyes, and an LED lit ADAM syringe. Check out her fantastic craftsmanship below.

Who: The Character
The character is a Little Sister from Bioshock.

Why: The Decision
I chose to cosplay a Little Sister because I had been used to cosplaying pretty characters that were very unlike the creepy Little Sisters of Bioshock. I also really wanted to challenge myself with doing some theatrical makeup to mimic the look of the Little Sisters. Also, that ADAM syringe is really awesome! I've been a big fan of the series for a while, so it was only natural; I love that whole dystopian society, "Big Brother is watching" kind of environment. I'm easily scared though so sometimes I get really freaked out trying to play it!

What: The Process
I'd been researching creation of the costume for a year or so, but actually acquiring all the materials and making it only took a few months. I was very fortunate to use my own hair so I didn't have to worry about finding a wig. All I had to worry about was materials for the dress and the syringe. I hunted down a vintage 1940s gas nozzle for the syringe off of eBay and assembled a bunch of other materials from Lowe's. The syringe consists of the nozzle, a PVC pipe, a lathed dowel and a glass bottle for the ADAM (which is actually hair gel and food dye!). My favorite part of the costume is actually the bottle of ADAM because I hooked up 2 LEDs to give it that creepy glow.

In addition to the syringe, I really enjoyed dirtying up the costume! I used diluted acrylic paint, Testor's spray paint and sharpie dye to give it that grungy, mildew-y look of Rapture. And every time I wear the costume, I get to slather on layers of dirt!

Where and When: The Debut
I debuted this costume at Otakon 2011 in Baltimore this past year and had three photoshoots there. I also wore it to Dragon*Con in Atlanta and had a stellar photoshoot at the Georgia Aquarium. The aquarium was really an ideal location because…hello Rapture…underwater city!. There were a couple of employees from Irrational Games there as well so I got a free Bioshock: Infinite shirt for dressing up from the game! In addition to that, I entered my costume in the Costume Contest at Dragon*Con and won Best In Show Journeyman. Overall, it was an amazing experience and I can't wait to wear this costume again.

Links: The Cosplayer

The Gallery
Photos by Benny Lee, Ljinto, Indienate, and Anna Fischer

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