
The Hunger Games, the popular book that inspired the upcoming film, is getting a game adaptation. This game has a little more going for it than the average movie tie-in game, though.

First of all, it's exclusively for iOS devices (for now) which means it's a much smaller game, and does not require quite the same rushed schedule that console movie tie-in games are usually forced through. Secondly, and more importantly, the small team making the game is being lead Adam Saltsman and the music is being created by Danny Baranowsky.

Saltsman created one of my favorite iOS games, Canabalt, which gave many (myself included) their first taste of Baranowsky music, who later went on to do the soundtrack for Super Meat Boy. Depending on who you ask, Super Meat Boy either has one of the best gaming soundtracks of the last few years, or is the best soundtrack of the last few years. Even if the game turns out to be a terrible flop, you can be sure it will have great music.

Joystiq has an interview with Saltsman about the direction of the game, as well as some more interesting details like the fact that Suzanne Collins, the author of The Hunger Games, was able to offer some feedback on the game.

The film releases on March 23, so the game should be available shortly before that. You can check out a teaser site for the game here.