gamer culture

I am now a huge Alex Garner fan. A friend linked me to his Deviant Art page, which shows off some of this artist's amazing video game creations. One particular highlight is this retro-styled BioShock Infinite magazine cover. If we could travel back in time like Elizabeth might be able to, I wouldn't be surprised if this was our fourth BioShock Infinite cover.

Along with this art, Alex provides a little background on its creation. "There was only one piece of online reference for the main protagonist, Booker, so this is more my personal interpretation of him," he details in his blog. "As for Elizabeth, I wanted the paranoia of Songbird's pursuit to resonate in her pose so that's why she's looking skyward. Columbia was done in all-gold because I wanted the city to look like an idealized El Dorado floating in the sky which also accomplished having the character colors pop."

Make sure you check out Alex's other work on his Deviant Art page. His Portal 2 illustration will be hanging on my office wall.