reader discussion
by Jeff Cork on Jan 15, 2012 at 03:26 AM

I'm an avid game collector, and my pile has grown significantly over the past decade or so. OK, it's not a pile. That's the point of this discussion. Are you organizing your collection in any special way?

In terms of how things go on my shelves, I don't think I'm blazing any new territory; everything's arranged by system, and then alphabetically. Things get significantly nerdier from here. You've been warned.

As my collection has grown, I've run into a pretty dumb problem. Even calling it a problem is a little embarrassing. Anyway, sometimes I'll see a really good deal on a game, but I can't remember if I already have it at home. I've been scouting out some kind of a solution that was more sophisticated than a tiny notebook, and I think I've found it. I'll write about it more, but it involves a database on my media PC, an Android app, and plenty of eye-rolling from my wife.

Have any of you guys found any better ways to organize your collection? Chronologically? By genre? Are there any ubernerds out there who have experimented with managing your collections on a PC or via an app? I'd love to hear the solutions you've come up with!