by Jim Reilly on Dec 06, 2011 at 05:09 AM

Major League Gaming announced that the 2011 Pro Circuit season was the largest season in e-sports history with more than 3.5 million unique viewers during combined Pro Circuit weekends.

The event, held in Rhode Island last month, drew 241,000 peak concurrent online viewers that watched more than 3.5 million hours of video. Viewers came from 175 countries, the highest to date, with USA, Germany, Canada, Sweden, and the UK making up the top five.

“Our viewership numbers this year have been staggering and MLG now pulls in larger audiences than several traditional television cable networks,” said Sundance DiGiovanni, CEO of Major League Gaming. “Our live streams of the Pro Circuit National Championships garnered more 18-24 male viewers than Comedy Central, MTV, TBS, and FX draw in an average quarter hour and nearly as many as Adult Swim.”

Posted below is an infographic highlighting MLG's impressive numbers.

For a deeper look at how the e-sports scene has evolved in recent years and to hear what DiGiovanni and StarCraft II director Dustin Browder have to say about it, check back later tonight.