by Jeff Cork on Nov 21, 2011 at 03:41 AM

Desert Bus is one of gaming's most notorious titles, putting players in the oversized seat of a bus driver on the Tuscon to Las Vegas route. The concept of the game, which appeared on the officially unreleased Sega CD game Penn & Teller's Smoke and Mirrors, is simple: Drive the route in real time. If that sounds appealing to you, here's some good news. The game is now available for download on mobile devices, with all proceeds going to Child's Play Charity.

The mobile version keeps everything from the original, while adding a real-time day and night cycle. That means you can drive the bus, which pulls slightly to the right, enjoy the sights of seeing a bug splatter on your windshield, and earn a single point each time you meet your goal. At least it's for charity.

It's available for $1 on iTunes and the Android Marketplace. For more info, visit And bring some Dramamine.