
Jimmie Johnson's Anything With An Engine ships next week, putting the NASCAR star in the middle of a bizarre string of kart races. Before it's over, you'll see speeding toilets, racing cakes, and Jimmy Fallons. The talk-show host is appearing in the game as a downloadable character, and proceeds from those sales will be donated to the American Red Cross.

"Jimmie's goal from the start was to create a fun and creative racing experience, where players could race anything - from bathtubs to barstools," said Jason Donnell, president and COO, Autumn Games. "Given the game's focus on fun and personality, we couldn't think of a better creative partner for the first DLC character than Jimmy Fallon. We've had a blast working with him and his team on his character. It has been doubly rewarding for us to have the opportunity to not only give fans great new content so soon after launch, but to also give them the chance to support such an impactful organization as the Red Cross."

Check out our preview of the game here.