
[Update] Valve just sent us a couple of images of the Portal 2 map editor. Looks like a pretty common-sense interface, displaying an isometric view of the test chamber and a selection of in-game items and portals to place on the right side of the screen. Note: Several people have asked if this is coming to consoles. Based on the press release, I'm assuming the map editor is coming to all versions of Portal 2, but I have an email out to a Valve representative asking the question. Will update the story if/when I hear back.

[Original Story]

Even with all the blockbusters being released this year, Valve's Portal 2 remains in strong contention for game of the year. Today, Valve announced that an upcoming update to the game will give players powerful tools to create, edit, and share their own test chambers.

According to a Valve press release, the add-on is "in development and targeted for release early next year." It will feature what Valve claims is an "easy-to-use in-game map editor." Users can create both single-player and co-op test chambers, then upload them to the Portal 2 community, who will be able to play and vote on them.

Given what users have been able to do with games like LittleBigPlanet, I can't wait to see what kind of diabolical chambers the Portal 2 community comes up with. As for me, I'm barely smart enough to solve Portal chambers, much less create one myself -- but I'm more than happy to benefit from the ingenuity of others.