
If you’re planning on picking up Final Fantasy XIII-2 when it hits stores January 31, you have a decision to make. Square Enix has revealed unique, retailer-specific pre-order bonuses.

Head over to GameStop to score an alternate costume for Serah. Lightning’s sister is playable for the first time in FFXIII-2, and you can continue her quest to find Lightning in a set of new duds.

Amazon is offering an exclusive boss battle against Omega in the coliseum. After defeating him, you can enlist Omega as one of your allied monsters. Read our preview of Final Fantasy XIII-2 to learn more about the monster-collecting feature of the game and other info.

Finally, Best Buy is giving away the Final Fantasy XIII Episodei novella to forward-thinking shoppers. This hardcover book bridges the Final Fantasy XIII and its sequel.

What preorder are you most interested in?

[GameStop is the parent company of Game Informer]