
Adventure Time creator Pendleton Ward just happens to be a big gamer, and if he had his way, we’d get an Adventure Time game that looks a little like Skyrim.

We recently spoke to Ward about the upcoming season of Adventure Time, the hit Cartoon Network animated show, and the eccentric creator let loose about his love for games. “I think games are amazing for telling stories. I don’t think that people do that very often. I think story isn’t always the most important thing to game designers, but I wish it were. I think that the best games have stories, and when I eventually make games, story will be front and center.”

When we pressed Ward about a possible upcoming Adventure Time game, he admitted, “I’d be stoked to work on an Adventure Time video game. I think that might happen eventually if the show stays popular. I vow to make a topnotch game.

“If it was a small budget I’d work to make a sidescroller, but if we had the largest budget in the world I’d love to make something like Oblivion, but set in the Adventure Time universe where it’s a giant free-roaming world. It might be fun to make it have Monster Hunter style gameplay with Katamari graphics.”

Ward is a big gamer. He talked with us at length about his play through of Dead Island, and admitted that the next season of Adventure Time would feature a lot of zombies. We wonder if we’ll start seeing a lot of dragons about halfway through the season once Ward starts Skyrim.

A collection of episodes from the first two seasons of Pendleton Wards show, Adventure Time: My Two Favorite People, goes on sale on DVD on September 27, for $14.99.