
I don't normally have a lot of patience for exchanging fire in the console wars, but some recent statements from Sony about software sales run counter to many popular conceptions about how games perform on different systems.

Rob Dyer is Sony's SVP of publisher relations, so you would expect him to have good things to say about the PS3's performance. He does! Speaking to Industry Gamers, Dyer explained that though the Xbox 360 has a larger install base, the PS3 takes a disproportionately large chunk of the game sales.

That doesn't necessarily mean that games sell more on PS3. Think of it this way: For every 1 PS3 sold, 1.6 Xbox 360s are sold. All things being equal, that ratio should hold true when people buy games, too, right? That isn't always the case, and that's what Sony's so proud about.

"If you have a choice between buying a PS3 version and an Xbox version of Mortal Kombat, which one are you buying?" says Dyer. "You’re buying the PS3 version because you can play as Kratos. Although Microsoft has a 1.6 to 1 index ratio against us [on hardware], we outsold them on Mortal Kombat nearly at a 1 to 1."

Check out the full article to see the ratio for other popular games like LA Noire and Portal 2. Yes, Sony may be in third place, but the company is making an effort to make PS3 versions of multiplatform titles more enticing.

(Source: Industry Gamers)