
Today Zen Studios revealed the release date of its new Ms. Splosion Man table for Pinball FX 2, and debuted a trailer of Ms. Splosion Man doing what she does best. Blowing stuff up.

The trailer shows off the ramps, orbits, and targets pinball wizards will be aiming for, as well as some multiball action that is sure to give me a nervous breakdown. There's also an abundance of explosions being triggered by the ball, which fits right in with the comical tone of the table, not to mention Twisted Pixel's mascot.

The best news is that the table will be available in Pinball FX 2 on August 31, just a little over a week from now. If you positively can't wait, the table will also be playable at PAX, in both the Twisted Pixel and Microsoft booths. Like other Pinball FX 2 add-ons, the Ms. Splosion Man table will set you back 240 MS Points.