gamescom 2011

Valve's International Dota 2 Tournament has kicked off. Watch the live stream after the break.

Original Story:

Gamescom attendees will get the chance to play Dota 2 for the first time, and you can watch them through Valve's "The International Dota 2 Tournament" live stream. This page provides a tournament schedule, team profiles, match results, and most importantly for all of us not at Gamescom, Dota 2 beta registration. All you have to do is log into Steam and click the "get on the list button."

As of now, we don't know when the beta will start, but since Valve is already holding a tournament at Gamescom, we can't imagine it will be too far off.

If you're unfamiliar with Dota 2 or simply want to refresh your memory on the game, check out Adam's first-look preview.