by Ben Reeves on Aug 15, 2011 at 11:04 AM

Ever since Jonathan Blow released Braid on Xbox Live in 2008 to both critical and commercial acclaim, the industry has been eagerly awaiting his next project. However, the Witness sounds like a drastic departure from Blow’s previous projects.

In an interview with RockPaperShotgun, Blow talks about why he decided to call his next game The Witness and why he believes telling stories in video games is so challenging, but we were more curious to hear whether or not the game would be coming to Xbox Live or PSN.

“The only platform I know for sure is PC,” said Blow. “I’d like to do at least one console but it’s a lot of effort. It’s an open-world game with no loading where you wander around, so even those it’s small it’s not going to fit remotely in memory on one of those consoles. On a console, we have to start doing all this engine stuff, like Skyrim has to do, streaming in assets, which is a lot of work. The CPU’s really slow, the shader’s really slow… it’s very difficult for me to believe that we’ll be able to deliver the experience we want people to have on a 360.”

Sounds a little disappointing, but maybe things will change before the game actually comes out. After all, the game isn’t set to release until sometime next year.