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reader discussion

Weekend Warrior 08/12/11

by Ben Reeves on Aug 12, 2011 at 02:20 PM

With the host of sweet games and movies out this weekend what will you be doing with your time?

Jeff Cork: This might sound a bit weird, but I’m going to wrap up GTA’s Ballad of Gay Tony this weekend. You might think I’ve played more than enough GTA lately, and you’re right. Still, I really want to see how it all ends. Plus, I need to push some more people down stairs.

Jeff Marchiafava: This weekend I plan on playing more Bastion. I played about an hour or two before getting sidetracked by From Dust, but the unabashed love for Bastion’s ending going around on Twitter has me eager to get back into it. If I’m feeling overly ambitious, I might hop back into L.A. Noire – or I might just continue watching Mad Men, which, thanks to Aaron Staton, kind of scratches the same itch.

Phil Kollar: I'll be spending most of the weekend getting ready for my trip to Germany next week, but I hope to sink a little more time into Infamous 2 – I'm almost to the halfway point – and maybe crack open the copy of Alice that I grabbed from the Vault but haven't tried yet.

Ben Hanson: This weekend I will continue working on the documentary about the Smash Bros. Guinness attempt from a while back. It’s roughly 60% done and I can’t wait for feedback from the Game Informer community. I also bought a 3DS this week but I don’t own a single game. I will most likely continue playing the DS RPG called Radiant Historia, but now I can play it with an analog pad! I have also had an odd craving to go back and finish playing the remake of Pokémon Silver. The wrench in all of these plans is that I also just received my imported copy of the first Rhythm Heaven game for the GBA, so I will have to play this Japanese rhythm game in the GBA slot on my regular DS. Life is hard.

Dan Ryckert: This weekend will be dictated by the weather. If it’s nice, I might spend my time at the lake. If it’s not, I’ll probably get drunk and see a movie about angry monkeys, then take part in an event dubbed “Beer Football” that I just learned about. It involves dice, a ping-pong table, and requires no athletic ability, so it might be right up my alley. Sunday night, I’ll be taking it easy watching Summerslam and Breaking Bad.

That's it for us. What are you playing this weekend?