
Radical Entertainment appreciates its fans. That's why the Prototype 2 developer wants to extend a special offer to players: preorder the game through GameStop, get your name picked by a random drawing, and win a trip to visit Radical's Vancouver studios. To sweeten the deal even further, the lucky winner will have their image scanned and placed into the game. From there, players the world over can run them over with cars and tanks, punch them into the stratosphere, or land a helicopter on their face. It's like having a chance to visit a horribly infested New York whenever you want.

“Thanks to this great partnership with Activision and GameStop, we have an incredible opportunity to offer gamers something truly unique,” says Ken Rosman, studio head at Radical Entertainment. “In addition to just seeing themselves in the game, the winners will actually be able to locate their virtual selves and shape-shift Sgt. James Heller into their likeness. Radical wouldn’t be where it is today without our fans, and this is just another way for us to thank them for all their support.”

For more details on the contest, including complete rules, visit the official site. And to see what you might be getting yourself into, take a look at the game's E3 trailer.

GameStop is the parent company of Game Informer.