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Behold, The Ballad Of Mike Haggar

by Jeff Cork on Aug 03, 2011 at 04:00 AM

At first glance, Final Fight's story is fairly mundane. The Mad Gear gang has taken over Metro City and kidnapped the mayor's daughter. The mayor is, of course, a former professional wrestler named Mike Haggar. After stripping off his shirt (of course), he takes to the streets, breaking faces and mailboxes on his mission to rescue his family and put the gang down forever. You know, typical local politics. A new video puts his heroics into perspective, and you may gain a better appreciation for just how amazing Haggar is after watching it.

The Ballad of Mike Haggar is a seven-minute-long epic that starts at the top and continues through the third stage. During that journey, you learn about what happens before players press the continue button. Check out Hortyort's video, and be prepared to be amazed.


Guy and Cody who?