
Don't blame the line-up of games, sluggish sales, or lack of consumer confidence in 3D. According to British tabloid The Sun, the reason the 3DS saw a price cut this week was the fact it made people dizzy and sick.

"Nintendo is slashing the price of its 3D console by a third - after claims it makes gamers feel dizzy and sick," reads the headline on this article. Of course, later in the story, this line appears: "Industry execs last night said the biggest problem was the games launched for the console simply weren't good enough." But why would anyone believe Industry execs, right?

While some gamers have complained about the handheld's 3D effect, implying that it is the reason behind the price cut is extreme. In fact, The Sun's coverage seems designed mainly to support a previous story, in which it blew user complaints out of proportion.

Okay, so mainstream media frequently messes up when it comes to games. No surprise. This does give me a good idea, though. In the comments below, make up your favorite pretend reasons for the 3DS price cut. Go!

(Source: Destructoid)