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A Peek At Bane's Role In Batman: Arkham City

by Bryan Vore on Jul 21, 2011 at 09:33 AM

Thanks to the latest issue in the digital exclusive offshoot of the Batman: Arkham City comics, we've learned a few things about Bane.

The summary of issue #5 of seven reads as follows:

"Inside Arkham City, entrapped criminals have to find new ways to keep themselves occupied. In Bane's case, he's binding his time by running an extreme fighting ring. The lack of serious competition leaves him frustrated, until an otherwise lackluster opponent produces a big surprise. The result may inspire Bane to take on deadlier hobbies."

Apparently, this surprise is one of Joker's goons doped up on the Titan drug from the first Arkham game so 'roid rage enemies may return in the sequel. We also know that Bane's safehouse is within the walls of Arkham City and that he has a supply of Venom at the ready. This stuff is not as powerful as Titan, but it doesn't turn Bane into a mindless animal either.

While this sounds like an interesting setup, I just hope we don't have to play any more of those overused charging Titan boss fights from the first game.

Check out the issue at DC's Comixology Store.

[Via CVG,]