
I know many gamer friends who are color blind -- including at least one here at GI -- and I've always wondered how they handle some gaming situations. Games are increasingly reliant on color-based cues, and some titles are nigh unplayable if you can't distinguish between certain colors. At least one upcoming major game won't have this problem though: Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games are adding a colorblind support option to Modern Warfare 3.

According to a blog post on Sledgehammer Games' website, the developer estimates that around one million active Call of Duty players are affected by color blindness. As such, the team is already working on a color blind assist option presumably similar to the one featured in last year's Call of Duty: Black Ops.

Kudos to Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games for continuing this thoughtful practice with the Call of Duty franchise. Here's hoping that other developers pick it up in the future.

[via GameSpot]