by Matt Miller on Jun 22, 2011 at 11:05 AM

The sequel to the 2009's Splosion Man is only a few weeks from release.

Ms. Splosion Man looks like a pretty profound evolution of the franchise. It includes a 50 level single player campaign, a 50 level multiplayer campaign, and a whole lot of new chances for splodin'. We're not always about directly quoting press releases here at GI, but this one made us giggle a bit. The team over at Twisted Pixel had this to say about the game's upcoming release.

"Embattled socialite Ms. Splosion Man has been roundly condemned by authorities for her destruction of property and abundant manslaughter charges, but nevertheless remains hugely popular in the hearts of the people. They call her a free-spirit and the meat-bringer but Big Science insists she is a dangerous element getting special treatment only because of her abundant celebrity. Everything will come to a head on July 13th, when the highly anticipated followup from 2009's Summer of Arcade hit title Splosion Man splodes her way onto the Xbox Live Arcade marketplace."

There you have it. Splode. July 13th.