
One of the more dependable portions of a company's E3 presentation is the section where sales data for the past year is interpreted. Different companies choose to look at the same data their own ways, putting unique spins on the numbers. For instance, Microsoft has touted software attach rates as a measure of success against the Wii's comparatively high system sales. Today, Microsoft has released information from research firm NPD in advance of E3, which shows that the Xbox 360's hardware sales are bucking a traditional sales trend in its sixth year. Expect to hear all about this in the company's stage presentation.

As the chart below shows, the Xbox 360 hardware has made sales gains during its fifth and sixth year of availability, which has ordinarily been a time in which console sales start drying up. Microsoft says that it's sold 55 million consoles worldwide, and that it's been the top-selling system in the United States for 10 of the past 11 months.

Additionally, Kinect has sold more than 10 million units worldwide, and the Xbox Live community has grown to 35 million users.

Now we just have to wait and see how Sony and Nintendo create their own spin on the past year.