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What Games Do You Want To See In The PSP Remaster Series?

by Jeff Marchiafava on May 22, 2011 at 02:17 PM

Today's announcement of the PSP Remaster series is an exciting proposition for gamers who missed out on some great titles by not having a PSP. Which begs the question: What PSP game would you like to see transformed into an upgraded PS3 title?

I'm sure there will be no shortage of readers who would pick the God of War PSP games or MGS: Peace Walker, but the series I'm most interested in is Valkyria Chronicles. The series' mixture of action and strategy is intriguing to me (shame on me for having still not played the first game), and a lot of gamers have lamented Sega's decision to stick to portable releases for the franchise's sequels. A remastered version of Valkyria Chronicles II could be the second chance the series needs to make an impression on PS3 owners.

So what game do you think should get a PS3 counterpart? Share your picks in the comments below.